Friday, July 11, 2008

Little bits

It's 99 balmy degrees here in Boulder, and while the humidity level is only 5% it still feels gross. It's so very nice to get out early on Fridays. I was a rolling farm stand on my way home today. I hauled home a bag of cat food, two carrots, a yellow zucchini, some Rainier cherries and the fleeces from two llamas named Fuzzy and Marzipan. And myself, of course.

All is well on the home front. Kevin is working his tush off as it's Tour de France time. He has officially been on the job at VeloNews for a year as of today.

Bunny has taken over the house and is getting bigger every day. We have our own little comedy show here when she starts chasing after the cats in hopes that they'll play. No takers so far.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How do you cook the cat's foot?????