Saturday, September 29, 2007

Single Speed Cyclocross Boulder Style

Today Kevin had his first cyclocross race of the season here in Boulder. He's riding for the Ridley team, and was suited up in the requisite flashy kit acquired just that morning and customized with his Ride Clean socks. Boulder is one of the few places where you can find a single speed category in a cyclocross race, and for a local race there was an impressive turnout with around 60+ people in most categories.

We had a leisurely ride over to the course from our apartment and got a chance to cheer on a few of Kevin's buddies from work. The course was held at the CU Research Park and consisted of a collection of dirt hills, rocks and single track trails. Not perfect cyclocross, but still fun (and very dusty). The single speeds started behind the cat 3 men, and when I say started behind I mean they took off about 20 seconds after, so what ensued was a mass cluster of single speeders swarming the straggling cat 3 riders.

Here is Kevin focused just before his start.

And catching the cat 3s.

And screaming through the dusty trails.

And wheeling in for what I consider an impressive third place finish.

Looking good post race.

Taking a step back from serious racing is a tough transition to make, but races like this should make it a lot easier. Kevin was all smiles both on the course and afterwards, and bikes are supposed to make you smile so I think he's on the right track.

Next Boulder Series race is October 20th. Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Do they have cyclocross in Mason Township? I know two guys, big and small, who should be doing this. ;)

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are racing again Kevin, and sassily dressed, of course. Nice to see the hairy legs, too and whats the low-down on that ride, ENO hub or what?


Iowa City Cyclocross will have SS races both days, you should come!