Monday, March 31, 2008

Lights Out for Earth Hour!

We love a good excuse to turn out the lights and luckily Earth Hour was this past Saturday night. The idea started in Sydney, Australia a year ago, and this year was celebrated globally. Not necessarily intended to conserve energy, but a nice side effect nonetheless, Earth Hour is meant to raise awareness about global warming.

We timed our dinner to be ready just before 8pm, the official start regardless of your time zone, set the table, readied the candles, put some beer on ice, and unplugged everything aside from the refrigerator (which remained closed for the duration of the evening - spoiled food is bad).

With seconds to go, we served up our grub, lit the candles, killed the lights, and unplugged the last remaining clock. Who knows what time we finally went to bed. We had such a great time just being with each other that Earth Hour turned into Earth Night. We left everything unplugged, brushed our teeth by candlelight, and hit the hay. With no Sunday obligations, we slept in, waking up to a still house and still having no idea what time it was. Perhaps this should be a monthly event.


Anonymous said...

You know, I think you guys would be very happy in a house in rural Maine that comes complete with no electricity and no running water. Have fun in Boulder!

Anonymous said...

And the adventure continues... :) You sure make it sound inviting. Some good selling points somewhere in all of that fun. ;)