Friday, February 1, 2008

What's grosser than gross?

The other night Kevin and I went to see "There Will be Blood". Definitely a flick to see on the big screen - it is visually stunning. Well, if you have seen the movie, you know that there is no music for about the first fifteen minutes. The relative silence is disconcerting, but appropriately raw. Unfortunately for me, this meant that I heard the lady next to me when she decided it was a good time to whip out her nail clippers and take care of business. Yes. She clipped her nails in the movie theater. Clip. Clip. Clip. And she let her nail clippings fall on the floor. Should I be grateful it wasn't her toes?

1 comment:

Ashbloem said...

Hi Melissa! Hope this isn't weird but I saw Susan last week and asked about you - since I blog too she told me about your blog and, well, here I am to say hi. It's nice to see you looking so happy!
