Thursday, July 26, 2007

Boulder has been hot, hot, hot, and this makes us cranky, as demonstrated by Izzy the Cat.

Up until this morning, it has been so miserably hot, that even I, hater of all things air conditioned, had begun to crack and consider sealing myself up in a bubble of mechanically cooled air. At the farm yesterday morning, a co-worker commented that it felt as though the sun had been pulled closer to the earth. Indeed, by 8am, I could feel the sun burning through the back of my pants in an attempt to slow cook my legs. Apparently it is unusual for Boulder to have so many consecutive days of 90+ degree weather, but they really rolled out the welcome mat for us.

Stinker discovered just how deadly the heat can be after investigating Kevin's freshly shorn cycling shoes.

Yesterday afternoon brought the beginning of a welcome change, and this morning I am happy to report that it's supposed to be lovely over the next few days with a sprinkling of thundershowers. Off to set up the creativity room!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess I can't complain about the last two days of heat and humidity here. ;) The vegetables are happy.