Saturday, March 1, 2008


Saturday March 1st. Boulder, Colorado. 73 degrees Fahrenheit. Ahhhh...... Just got back from a lovely walk and discovered this:


and chives!

Snow scheduled for tomorrow... Only in Boulder.


Anonymous said...

So nice to see green...

Ahh Maine...30 degrees and half a foot of wet heavy snow. Down there somewhere under the 90+" of snow we have seen so far the roots are still sleeping and I'm guessing there is little chance they will wiggle up for a look any time soon. With the next batch of fruit trees due for delivery at the end of April we are hoping for a rapid thaw and quick run off...Love, D

Leslinka said...

I am currently shivering and jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Weeks and weeks away from my pumpkin patch! I got the seeds and the rotter tiller ready... sadness ensues! did i spell ensue wrong?